ويكشف السوء تخاريف صباحية - نوستالجيا المشاعر... الداخلية المصرية تصدر بيانا بشأن مقتل رجل أعمال إسرائيلي بالإسكندرية دروس مستفادة من مؤتمر "معامل التأثير العربي التاسع" مصر تعلن زيادة 54% في السياحة الوافدة من الدول العربية مجموعة فنادق بارسيلو تستثمر ما يفوق 400 مليون دولار أميركي في تطوير استراتيجيتها التوسّعية العالمية مرصد صيني يكتشف 100 توهج للضوء الأبيض من الشمس اتحاد المعاهد الثقافية الأوروبية في مصر يستضيف اليوم "معرض صبأرت"
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Heba Hendawi

Too good to be true!

Once again, she knocked my door with a heavy heart and wet eyes. “It’s me and my voluntarily deeds again,” she said to me as soon as she saw my face. I know I have a friend who is always misunderstood for his kindness and self-denial. Looking at her, I realized that she was troubled and the trigger was from within herself.

Ramadan on River Clyde

One day, I found myself departing my homeland to another country for a 3 year residency. I had mixed feelings of excitement and fear. The idea of having all the religious seasons far away on a foreign land crossed my mind and filled me with awe. I thought of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting with all its rituals and special

Playing the joker card!

Back in my teens, I always had a row with my mother. We argued all the time as any teen and mom yet our constant argument was about my personal relationships and friendship. I always liked to make friends no matter what. Age difference or social background was not an issue for me. I was keen on knowing people from different

Legg Calve Perthes

The last day of February each day marks Rare Disease Day. On this very day, the world celebrates warriors that fight unknown battles and raise awareness as to what they are sufferings from silently. Legg Calve Perthes is one of those rare conditions that afflict children. It is a bone disease that affects the femoral head of the hip bone. For

Rare Disease Day

The 29th of February this year marks Rare Disease Day. On this rare international day, many nations worldwide celebrate rare diseases by sharing information, raising awareness and giving support to many patients who think that they are alone in their battles. 300 million persons all over the world suffer from one kind of a disease that is

One story; two versions

I have a problem. I must admit! I cannot just listen to people telling me about their own personal problems or worries without being fully absorbed in their stories. I feel for them so deep that I decide to be their spokesperson and speak up on their behalf so that the whole world see them and feel for them. This happens to me all the time.